Here I have tried to answer some questions you might have about my writing. If you still have unanswered questions, contact me and I will do what I can to answer them.
Will I write for your project, and if so what will it cost you?
I write speeches, articles, presentations, commentaries, essays and reviews on request. So far I have declined proposals of ghost writing, but I will certainly consider your project. I price each project based on word count or time, depending on the size of the project so contact me to get a price quote. I occasionally do guest blogging and opinion pieces for free, especially for good causes.
Can you read any of my previous writings?
Yes, you can. If you contact me with your request I will send you a sample of writing I've done in different genres. I am working on getting a portfolio available online. If you read Norwegian you will find one of my articles in this issue of Utlendighet, in English you can read a humorous post from my personal blog.
Have I gotten anything published in paper form?
Yes, I have gotten a number of poems, short stories and articles published. I am currently working towards getting my first novel published, and I am very excited about it!